
Someone caused an interesting bug this morning: the input validation function doesn't check for weird character encodings (Hello, Korea...), which can be parsed and stored correctly but gunk up the XSLT processor. I've modified the node addition system to perform rigorous sanity checks on all incoming data. This has the added benefit of ensuring that your content is valid XML, so mistakes like tags which are closed out of order will be detected.

plides on

I would suggest adding some sort of subcategory-based or fully random access way to view your photos. You have a heck of a lot of them, and going through them a page at a time is a wee bit cumbersome.

Just a thought. (The present design is very elegant, however.)

plides on

Also, what happened to the domain name? Is it no longer accessable, or would a redirect be possible?

plides on

photo id=129 is missing. Also, t'would be nice if the cheatcodes would stick once entered. (i.e., if they were carried over to the <> buttons. Just a thought.)

You’ve got some really amazing photos on your site.


Are you saying that your content managment system doesn’t support international text? Tsk tsk tsk… :-P

Seriously, though, I’m not sure what difficulties there are in supporting international text on the web (can you just use UTF-8, or is it more complicated than that?), but it would be cool if you made Ragnar international.


“the input validation function doesn’t check for weird character encodings (Hello, Korea…)”

Or did you mean even outside of UTF-8?

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