New Server

New server is up. It's on a much faster line, and is a little more powerful than the server. Please update your links and bookmarks accordingly.


  1. Replace faulty fans/disks... Done
  2. OS Install... Done
  3. Network Setup... Done
  4. DNS registration... Done
  5. Web site files... Done
  6. Engine ported... Done
  7. Apache2... Done
  8. Postfix... Done
  9. Procmail... Done
  10. MUAs... Done
  11. IMAP... Done
  12. Firewall... Done
  13. Apache statistics and logs... Done
  14. Penetration testing... Done
  15. Service hardening... Done
  16. HTTPS server... Done
  17. Anti-spam... Done
  18. SMTP Relay lockdown... Done
  19. System hardening... Done
  20. Automatic security updates... Done
  21. SASL... Done

My new e-mail address is

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