Previously on Jepsen, we learned about Kafka’s proposed replication design.

Cassandra is a Dynamo system; like Riak, it divides a hash ring into a several chunks, and keeps N replicas of each chunk on different nodes. It uses tunable quorums, hinted handoff, and active anti-entropy to keep replicas up to date. Unlike the Dynamo paper and some of its peers, Cassandra eschews vector clocks in favor of a pure last-write-wins approach.

Some Write Loses

If you read the Riak article, you might be freaking out at this point. In Riak, last-write-wins resulted in dropping 30-70% of writes, even with the strongest consistency settings (R=W=PR=PW=ALL), even with a perfect lock service ensuring writes did not occur simultaneously. To understand why, I’d like to briefly review the problem with last-write-wins in asynchronous networks.


In this causality diagram, two clients (far left and far right) add the elements “a”, “b”, and “c” to a set stored in an LWW register (middle line). The left client adds a, which is read by both clients. One client adds b, constructing the set [a b]. The other adds c, constructing the set [a c]. Both write their values back. Because the register is last-write-wins, it preserves whichever arrives with the highest timestamp. In this case, it’s as if the write from the client on the left never even happened. However, it could just as easily have discarded the write from the right-hand client. Without a strong external coordinator, there’s just no way to tell whose data will be preserved, and whose will be thrown away.

Again: in an LWW register, the only conditions under which you can guarantee your write will not be silently ignored are when the register’s value is immutable. If you never change the value, it doesn’t matter which copy you preserve.

Vector clocks avoid this problem by identifying conflicting writes, and allowing you to merge them together.


Because there’s no well-defined order for potential conflicts, the merge function needs to be associative, commutative, and idempotent. If it satisfies those three properties (in essence, if you can merge any values in any order and get the same result), the system forms a semilattice known as a CRDT, and you recover a type of order-free consistency known as lattice consistency. Last-write-wins is a particular type of CRDT–albeit, not a particularly good one, because it destroys information nondeterministically.

Early in Cassandra’s history, Cassandra chose not to implement vector clocks for performance reasons. Vclocks (typically) require a read before each write. By using last-write-wins in all cases, and ignoring the causality graph, Cassandra can cut the number of round trips required for a write from 2 to 1, and obtain a significant speedup. The downside is that there is no safe way to modify a Cassandra cell.

Some people claim you can serialize updates to a cell by perfectly synchronizing your clocks, using ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM or ALL, and using an external lock service to prevent simultaneous operations. Heck, the official Cassandra documentation even claims this:



As we’ll see throughout this post, the Cassandra documentation can be less than accurate. Here’s a Jepsen test which mutates the same cell repeatedly, using perfectly synchronized clocks, QUORUM consistency, and a perfect lock service:

$ lein run lock cassandra
Writes completed in 200.036 seconds

2000 total
1009 acknowledged
724 survivors
285 acknowledged writes lost! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
1 3 6 8 11 13 ... 1986 1988 1991 1993 1996 1998
0.5045 ack rate
0.2824579 loss rate
0.0 unacknowledged but successful rate

Losing 28% of your supposedly committed data is not linearizable by any definition. Next question.


Without vector clocks, Cassandra can’t safely change a cell–but writing immutable data is safe. Consequently, Cassandra has evolved around those constraints, allowing you to efficiently journal thousands of cells to a single row, and to retrieve them in sorted order. Instead of modifying a cell, you write each distinct change to its own UUID-keyed cell. Then, at read time, you read all the cells back and apply a merge function to obtain a result.


Cassandra’s query language, CQL, provides some collection-oriented data structures around this model: sets, lists, maps, and so forth. They’re CRDTs, though the semantics don’t align with what you’ll find in the INRIA paper–no G-sets, 2P-sets, OR-sets, etc. However, some operations are safe–for instance, adding elements to a CQL set:

0 unrecoverable timeouts
Collecting results.
Writes completed in 200.036 seconds

2000 total
2000 acknowledged
2000 survivors
All 2000 writes succeeded. :-D

That’s terrific! This is the same behavior we saw with G-sets in Riak. However, not all CQL collection operations are intuitively correct. In particular, I’d be wary of the index-based operations for lists, updating elements in a map, and any type of deletions. Deletes are implemented by writing special tombstone cells, which declare a range of other cells to be ignored. Because Cassandra doesn’t use techniques like OR-sets, you can potentially delete records that haven’t been seen yet–even delete writes from the future. Cassandra users jokingly refer to this behavior as “doomstones”.

The important thing to remember is that because there are no ordering constraints on writes, one’s merge function must still be associative and commutative. Just as we saw with Riak, AP systems require you to reason about order-free data structures. In fact, Cassandra and Riak are (almost) formally equivalent in their consistency semantics–the primary differences are in the granularity of updates, in garbage collection/history compaction, and in performance.

Bottom line: CQL collections are a great idea, and you should use them! Read the specs carefully to figure out whether CQL operations meet your needs, and if they don’t, you can always write your own CRDTs on top of wide rows yourself.


If you’re familiar with CRDTs, you might be wondering whether Cassandra’s counter type is a PN-counter–a commutative, monotonic data structure which can be incremented and decremented in an eventually consistent way. The answer is no: Cassandra (via Twitter, politics, etc), wound up with a less safe type of data structure. Consequently, Cassandra counters will over- or under-count by a wide range during a network partition.

If partitioned for about half of the test run, I found counters could drift by up to 50% of the expected value. Here’s a relatively well-behaved run, drifting by less than a percent.

10000 total
9700 acknowledged
9921 survivors


In Coming up in Cassandra 1.1: Row Level Isolation, and Atomic batches in Cassandra 1.2, DataStax asserts that a write which updates multiple keys in the same row will be atomic and isolated.

Cassandra 1.1 guarantees that if you update both the login and the password in the same update (for the same row key) then no concurrent read may see only a partial update.

And from the official documentation on concurrency control:

Full row-level isolation is now in place so that writes to a row are isolated to the client performing the write and are not visible to any other user until they are complete. From a transactional ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) standpoint, this enhancement now gives Cassandra transactional AID support.

We know what “atomic” means: either all of the changes in the transaction complete, or none of them do. But what does “isolated” mean? Isolated in the sense of ACID? Let’s ask Hacker News what they think Cassandra’s isolation provides:


Peter Bailis pointed me at two really excellent papers on isolation and consistency, including Berenson et al’s A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels–I really recommend digging into them if you’re curious about this problem. Isolation comes in many flavors, or strengths, depending on what sorts of causal histories are allowed. Serializability is one of the strongest: all transactions appear to occur in a single well-defined non-interleaved order. Cursor Stability (CS) and Snapshot Isolation (SI) are somewhat weaker.

ANSI SQL defines four levels of isolation, which really have more to do with the historical behavior of various database systems than with behavior that any sane person would consider distinguishible, so I’m not going to get into the details–but suffice it to say that there are a range of phenomena which are prohibited by those isolation levels. In order from least to most awful:

  • P3: Phantom
  • P2: Fuzzy read
  • P1: Dirty read
  • P0: Dirty write

ANSI SQL’s SERIALIZABLE level prohibits P3-P0; REPEATABLE READ prohibits P2 and below, READ COMMITTED prohibits P1 and below, and READ UNCOMMITTED only prohibits P0.



P0, or “dirty write” is especially important because all isolation levels must prohibit it. In P0, one transaction modifies some data; then a second transaction also modifies that data, before the first transaction commits. We never want writes from two different transactions to be mixed together, because it might violate integrity relationships which each transaction held independently. For instance, we might write [x=1, y=1] in one transaction, and [x=2, y=2] in a different transaction, assuming that x will always be equal to y. P0 allows those transactions to result in [x=1, y=2], or [x=2, y=1].

Cassandra allows P0.

The key thing to remember here is that in Cassandara, the order of writes is completely irrelevant. Any write made to the cluster could eventually wind up winning, if it has a higher timestamp. But–what happens if Cassandra sees two copies of a cell with the same timestamp?

It picks the lexicographically bigger value.

That means that if the values written to two distinct cells don’t have the same sort order (which is likely), Cassandra could pick final cell values from different transactions. For instance, we might write [1 -1] and [2 -2]. 2 is greater than 1, so the first cell will be 2. But -1 is bigger than -2, so -1 wins in the second cell. The result? [2 -1].

“But,” you might protest, “In order for that to happen, you’d need two timestamps to collide. It’s really unlikely that two writes will get the same microsecond-resolution timestamp, right? I’ve never seen it happen in my cluster.”

Well, it depends. If we assume N writes per second by Poisson processes to the same row, the probability of any given read seeing a conflicting value grows as the writes come closer together.


rate    probability of conflict/read
1       1.31E-7
10      5.74E-6
100     5.30E-5
1000    5.09E-4
10000   0.00504
100000  0.0492
1000000 0.417

So if you do 100,000 writes/sec, on any given read you’ve got a 5% chance of seeing corrupt data. If you do 10 writes/sec and 1 read/sec, in each day you’ve got about a 1/3 chance of seeing corrupt data in any given day.

What if you write many rows over time–maybe 2 writes to each row, separated by a mean delta of 100 milliseconds? Then the theoretical probability of any given row being corrupt is about 5 × 10^-6. That’s a pretty small probability–and remember, most applications can tolerate some small degree of corrupt data. Let’s confirm it with an experiment:

10000 total
9899 acknowledged
9942 survivors
58 acknowledged writes lost! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
127 253 277 339 423 434 ... 8112 8297 8650 8973 9096 9504
101 unacknowledged writes found! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
1059 1102 1139 1142 1143 1158 ... 2701 2720 2721 2800 2815 2860
0.9899 ack rate
0.0058591776 loss rate
0.01020305 unacknowledged but successful rate

Note that “writes lost” here means corrupted rows: entirely missing rows are treated as successes. Roughly 1 in 200 rows were corrupt! That’s way worse than 10^-6! What gives?

It turns out that somewhere in this maze of software, either Cassandra, the DataStax Java driver, or Cassaforte is taking the current time in milliseconds and tacking on three zeroes to the end, calling it good. The probability of millisecond conflicts is significantly higher than microsecond conflicts, which is why we saw so much corrupt data.

Long story short, Cassandra row isolation is probabilistic at best; and remember, the only reason you actually want isolation is because you plan on doing two operations at the same time. If you rely on isolation, in any sense of the word, in Cassandra, you need to consider your tolerance for data corruption, and verify that you’re actually generating timestamps with the expected distribution. A strong external coordinator which guarantees unique timestamps might be of use.

Lightweight Transactions

In Cassandra 2.0.0, Lightweight Transactions offer linearizable consistency for compare-and-set operations. The implementation is based on naive Paxos–requiring four round trips for each write–but the performance can be improved with time. The important thing is that Cassandra is first to have a distributed linearizable data store, or something.

That said, sometimes you really do need linearizable operations. That’s why we added lightweight transactions in Cassandra 2.0 This is a sign of Cassandra maturing — Cassandra 1.0 (released October 2011) was the fulfilment of its designers original vision; Cassandra 2.0 takes it in new directions to make it even more powerful.

Open source has had the reputation of producing good imitations, but not innovation. Perhaps Cassandra’s origins as a hybrid of Dynamo and Bigtable did not disprove this, but Apache Cassandra’s development of lightweight transactions and CQL are true industry firsts.

The first thing you’ll notice if you try to test the new transaction system is that the Java driver doesn’t support it. It’ll throw some weird exceptions like “unknown consistency level SERIAL”, because it doesn’t support the v2 native Cassandra protocol yet. So you’ll need to use the Python Thrift client, or, in my case, get a patched client from DataStax.

The second thing you’ll notice is deadlocks. In my Jepsen tests, the cluster would go unresponsive after the first 10 or so transactions–and it would never recover. Any further attempts to modify a cell via transaction would spin endlessly in failed transactions, until I manually truncated the system.paxos table.

You can’t make this shit up.

So you confer with DataStax for a while, and they manage to reproduce and fix the bug: #6029 (Lightweight transactions race render primary key useless), and #5985 (Paxos replay of in progress update is incorrect). You start building patched versions of Cassandra.

git checkout paxos-fixed-hopefully

Let’s give it a whirl. In this transaction test, we perform repeated compare-and-set operations against a single cell, retrying failed attempts for up to 10 seconds. The first thing you’ll notice is that those four round-trips aren’t exactly lightweight, which means that at 50 transactions/sec, the majority of transaction attempts time out:


But we’re less concerned with performance or availability than safety. Let’s slow down the test to 5 transactions/sec to reduce contention, and check: are lightweight transactions actually linearizable?

2000 total
829 acknowledged
827 survivors
3 acknowledged writes lost! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(102 1628 1988)
1 unacknowledged writes found! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
0.4145 ack rate
0.0036188178 loss rate
0.0012062726 unacknowledged but successful rate

No. Cassandra lightweight transactions are not even close to correct. Depending on throughput, they may drop anywhere from 1-5% of acknowledged writes–and this doesn’t even require a network partition to demonstrate. It’s just a broken implementation of Paxos. In addition to the deadlock bug, these Jepsen tests revealed #6012 (Cassandra may accept multiple proposals for a single Paxos round) and #6013 (unnecessarily high false negative probabilities).

Paxos is notoriously difficult to implement correctly. The Chubby authors note:

Our tests start in safety mode and inject random failures into the system. After running for a predetermined period of time, we stop injecting failures and give the system time to fully recover. Then we switch the test to liveness mode. The purpose for the liveness test is to verify that the system does not deadlock after a sequence of failures.

This test proved useful in finding various subtle protocol errors, including errors in our group membership implementation, and our modifications to deal with corrupted disks…. We found additional bugs, some of which took weeks of simulated execution time (at extremely high failure rates) to find.

Our hooks can be used to crash a replica, disconnect it from other replicas for a period of time or force a replica to pretend that it is no longer the master. This test found five subtle bugs in Chubby related to master failover in its first two weeks.

And in particular, I want to emphasize:

By their very nature, fault-tolerant systems try to mask problems. Thus they can mask bugs or configuration problems while insidiously lowering their own fault-tolerance.

The bugs I found were low-hanging fruit: anyone who ran a few hundred simple transactions could reproduce them, even without causing a single node or network failure. Why didn’t DataStax catch this in the release process? Why publish glowing blog posts and smug retrospectives if the most fundamental safety properties of the application haven’t been trivially verified? And if I hadn’t reported these bugs, how many users do you suppose would have been subject to silent data loss or corruption in prod?

I can’t say this strongly enough: One way or another, software is always tested: either by the maintainers, by users, or by applications in production. One of my goals in this series is to push database vendors to test their software prior to release, so that we can all enjoy safer, faster systems. If you’re writing a database, please try to verify its correctness experimentally. You don’t need to do a perfect job–testing is tough!–but a little effort can catch 90% of the bugs.

Final thoughts

DataStax and the open-source community around Cassandra have been working hard on the AP storage problem for several years, and it shows. Cassandra runs on thousand-node clusters and accepts phenomenal write volume. It’s extraordinarily suited for high-throughput capture of immutable or otherwise log-oriented data, and its AAE and tunable durability features work well. It is, in short, a capable AP datastore, and though I haven’t deployed it personally, many engineers I respect recommend it from their production experience wholeheartedly.

Jonathan Ellis, Aleksey Yeschenko‎, and Patrick McFadin were all very helpful in helping me understand Cassandra’s model, and I hope that I have depicted it accurately here. Any errors are mine alone. I’m especially thankful that they volunteered so much of their time on nights and weekends to help someone tear apart their hard work, and that they’ve fixed the bugs I’ve found so quickly. Reproducing and fixing distributed systems bugs is an especially challenging task, and it speaks to the skill of the entire Cassandra team.

DataStax has adapted some of these Jepsen tests for use in their internal testing process, and, like Basho, may use Jepsen directly to help test future releases. I’m optimistic that they’ll notify users that the transactional features are unsafe in the current release, and clarify their documentation and marketing. Again, there’s nothing technically wrong with many of the behaviors I’ve discussed above–they’re simply subtle, and deserve clear exposition so that users can interpret them correctly.

I’m looking forward to watching a good database improve.

Liza on

I really would like for you to do this kind of analysis on Couchbase 2.0. Of course, I would like this because I’m using Couchbase… but I think it’s solutions to many of these issues are well thought out, but i don’t know for sure.

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith on

I was able to isolate the problem with the millisecond timestamps. If you specify a timestamp you definitely get microsecond precision back from “writetime()”, so I am pretty sure the problem is with server side generated timestamps. This is definitely a bug, but at the same time if you are having highly concurrent writes to a record, you should be using client generated timestamps.

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith on

I’m pretty sure I found the issue. It’s in org.apache.cassandra.service.QueryState. It’s bad, but not quite as bad as you might think:

public long getTimestamp() { long current = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000; clock = clock >= current ? clock + 1 : current; return clock; }

The mistake is to not initialize current/clock with System.nanoTime(). If that had been done it would avoid this problem, and frankly the code could have been simpler. There is obviously an attempt to avoid collisions for timestamps from the same node, but with multiple nodes this won’t really help.

Jeremiah Gowdy

Is System.nanoTime() safe to call between threads/CPUs? I believe on x86 System.nanoTime() uses the TSC, which isn’t always synced properly between different cores and/or sockets on some implementations. And System.currentTimeMillis() uses the wallclock? It seems like you’d need something based on hardware like HPET to get the consistency of timestamps you’re talking about.

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith on

I created a bug and submitted a patch to correct it:

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith on

The nanoTime() is supposed to be a reliable measure of time passed, so if you calibrate the value with System.currentTimeMillis() it should work reliably.

Any differences between core TSC’s should be well within the margin of error on the timestamp anyway (particularly considering we are normally dealing with differences between nodes & even networks.

Spud on

Pretty sure chubby does a lot more than basic paxos (master failover). Cass is doing a very basic paxos state machine, although it is sharded and I’m sure adding / removing nodes to the cluster adds additional testing fun :-).

Evan on

“Losing 28% of your supposedly committed data is not serializable by any definition. Next question.”

Would like an explanation of why this is happening. Are you sure the read is also occurring at quorum consistency?

struff on

Regarding timestamps: isn’t it the case that you’re constrained in precision by what the CPU can handle? The value returned in a “nano-second” timestamp may have misleading precision.

By which I mean, if you get 2 nano-second timestamps 1ns apart, they may well show the same value anyway. It doesn’t matter how precise you think you’re being - if you get collisions at the millisecond level, using ‘nano’ times won’t necessarily save you.

Aphyr on

“Losing 28% of your supposedly committed data is not serializable by any definition. Next question.”

Would like an explanation of why this is happening.

Ah, you’re in luck! See the linked Riak article for a detailed explanation; in short, you have no guarantee that any given write attempt will atomically succeed or fail–it might come back from the dead at a later point and destroy conflicting writes.

Are you sure the read is also occurring at quorum consistency?

I could tell you “yes” again, but if you don’t believe me, you could read the source linked to in that paragraph. ;-)

Evan on

I have read the Riak article and read the source. The Cassandra cluster wasn’t partitioned so it should have behaved the same as the Riak cluster with the perfect lock, which succeeded.

Quorum reads in Cassandra synchronously propagate the value with highest timestamp to a quorum of nodes before returning, guaranteeing repeatable read semantics from a single client operating at quorum, at least.

The test generates a millisecond timestamp without adding a sequence counter, so possibly the timestamp is reused if the client is fast? Why were only half the writes acknowledged in the first place?

Aphyr on

The Cassandra cluster wasn’t partitioned

This test run (like most in the Jepsen series) did come from a partitioned cluster. If you don’t want a network partition, you could just wait for a node to fail, high latencies, compaction, node addition, node removal, etc.

guaranteeing repeatable read semantics from a single client operating at quorum, at least.

This is a common misunderstanding of Dynamo systems. No such property exists.

Why were only half the writes acknowledged in the first place?

Because Quorum was not satisfiable by the coordinator for some writes during the partition.

possibly the timestamp is reused if the client is fast?

Writes in Jepsen are scheduled, not running as fast as possible. IIRC that run was doing something like 1 write/sec/client, plus a bit of skew to simulate clients running on disparate nodes.

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith on

isn’t it the case that you’re constrained in precision by what the CPU can handle? The value returned in a “nano-second” timestamp may have misleading precision. By which I mean, if you get 2 nano-second timestamps 1ns apart, they may well show the same value anyway. It doesn’t matter how precise you think you’re being - if you get collisions at the millisecond level, using ‘nano’ times won’t necessarily save you.

I think you misunderstand the bug. Cassandra has logic to avoid collisions between two queries sent to the same node. The problem occurs with queries sent to two different nodes if those two nodes happen to assign the same timestamps to them. In this scenario, it really doesn’t matter how accurate the clocks are, but rather how much entropy exists in the timestamps. So, to a certain degree you are right about the “precision”, but only in the mathematical sense. Regardless of the precision of the system’s clock, by using nanoTime(), you maximize that entropy (as compared to using currentTimeMilliseconds(), which ironically favours getting the “correct” time over the maximal entropy in the timestamp). You could do almost as well using currentTimeMillis() * 1000 + (new Random()).nextInt(1000).

Secondly, the bug isn’t that bad things can happen when the timestamps match (that’s true, but that is a larger design problem that at least is intrinsic to the Cassandra approach). The bug is that by using milliseconds instead of microseconds, you significantly increase the probability of that scenario happening that users might not anticipate.

For now I’m advising people they should always use client generated timestamps if they have rows that are likely to have multiple writes with overlapping fields within a few seconds (allowing for shifts in the clocks). The server timestamps are just broken.

Aphyr on

For now I’m advising people they should always use client generated timestamps if they have rows that are likely to have multiple writes with overlapping fields within a few seconds (allowing for shifts in the clocks).

Probably the best thing for those folks to do is use a strong coordinator like Zookeeper for their timestamps. Could encode a fixed membership ID in the lower timestamp bits, for instance, to guarantee participants don’t collide. Either that or deal with the probability of data corruption. It’s a tricky problem to talk about in general because the collision probabilities are dependent on the write timing, time sources, and so on.

anonymous on

This test run (like most in the Jepsen series) did come from a partitioned cluster.

Ok, this wasn’t clear from the article.

This is a common misunderstanding of Dynamo systems. No such property exists.

Because Quorum was not satisfiable by the coordinator for some writes during the partition.

Yet quorum was satisfied for immediately prior reads of the same key?

Aphyr on

Yet quorum was satisfied for immediately prior reads of the same key?

Yes. Not all nodes are symmetric, and not all nodes are always fully connected. I’m not really sure how to explain this one any clearer–it might help to read the initial Jepsen articles on what what network partitions are, and what guarantees are achievable by asynchronous networks.

This only provides monotonicity if your timestamps are monotonic. Cassandra does not enforce or provide monotonic timestamps, which means that pretty much all causal histories are allowed, including those where a single client in a single session writes X then Y at ConsistencyLevel.ALL, and reads X for all future reads at any consistency level.

anonymous on

it might help to read the initial Jepsen articles on what what network partitions are, and what guarantees are achievable by asynchronous networks.

Yeah, I’m sure I’m still missing something. Will investigate.

including those where a single client in a single session writes X then Y at ConsistencyLevel.ALL, and reads X for all future reads at any consistency level.

That’s sequential, aka strong, consistency, so we’re good…right? You seem to want it to be linearizable, aka strict, consistency which I didn’t think was being proposed. I guess the Cassandra docs are confused on this point.

Pierre on

Just a small comment to the atomicity issue in Cassandra. The error even occurs on a single computer when there is one writer and multiple readers. The writer creates a new row with two columns, and some readers see a single column …

Aphyr on

That'��s sequential, aka strong, consistency, so we’re good… right? You seem to want it to be linearizable, aka strict, consistency which I didn’t think was being proposed. I guess the Cassandra docs are confused on this point.

I don’t think so. Writing X, then Y, then reading X is prohibited by sequential consistency, as well as session and monotonic consistency models.

anonymous on

That’s not quite my understanding ( but I’m not sure it matters.

Since the write of X fails in this case and the time of commit is not know, there is no specific expected ordering with regard to Y, but the system will eventually enforce some globally consistent order.

Aphyr on

Since the write of X fails in this case

I’m talking about both X and Y as successful writes.

Deejay on

Have you had a chance to re-run these tests on later versions of Cassandra (2.0.2) to see if the issues are genuinely fixed?

venkat on

Hi, I am testing performance of Cassandra using YCSb. I’m using a 7 node cluster system with distributed disc. i place commitlog and SSTabke in same disc. mY issue is my read operation is to slow like 2000/sec. please can u give some suggestion

Eric P

Also getting a 404 on (papers on isolation and consistency).

Ken Krugler

For those wanting to view linked code, use “…/jepsen/tree/old/…” instead of “…/jepsen/blob/master/…”. For example, should be


This was a while ago, any change we can get a redux for Cassandra?


In the section of isolation level phenomena, P4 was mistakenly listed as the topmost and thus hinted the idea that REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE cannot address P4. This should be corrected.

Yaneeve on

Aphyr, as always a great job. I would appreciate a revisit since this blog post came out almost two years ago. Thanks!

Gowtham Kaki

Firstly, great work, Aphyr!

Secondly, about the monotonicity of clocks: I think it is a reasonable assumption to make. However, even with this assumption, an execution with QUORUM reads and writes is not necessarily linearlizable, if we do not synchronize clocks. Consider a system with three nodes/replicas (A,B & C) and two concurrent client sessions (S1 and S2). Assume S1 successfully wrote X=1 with a timestamp of t1, which S2 reads at time t2. S2 then writes X=2 at time t3, and again reads X at t4. Since we assume monotonicity of clocks, t2t4. LWW means that write of X=2 is subsumed by X=1, which means that S2 reads the old value of X=1 at t4, thus going back in time from its perspective. This execution is in no sense linearizable.

Does this make sense, or have I got it completely wrong?

Luoji San
Luoji San on

Looks like DataStax recently published a blog post on their test results with Jepsen and from that post they seem to suggest all of the issues identified here were resolved as of Cassandra 2.1 and 2.2: “We did not identify any new issues in the 2.1 or 2.2 versions of Cassandra as a result of Jepsen testing. We still found great value in this test coverage, as it further reinforced our confidence in the quality of these releases.”

Aphyr, can you confirm if that is the case?

maxime caron
maxime caron on

Since the Paxos algorithm rely on getting response from a Quorum of machine and the set of machine storing replica of a key might change at any-time, I think it could not possibly work.

As discussed in “paxos made live” paper Paxos algorithm itself could be used to implement group membership change, but this is not currently the case in Cassandra.

Also paxos assume storage is reliable and no dataloss is possible, in cassandra a machine could accept a proposal then crash and rejoin the ring with an empty state. This would break the paxos quorum requirement.

If I am wrong and Cassandra Paxos implemention have support for replica leaving and joining at runtime and dataloss on some node please let me know.

Mike S
Mike S on

Here’s a Jepsen test which mutates the same cell repeatedly, using perfectly synchronized clocks, QUORUM consistency, and a perfect lock service

In looking a this [test’s code[(, it appears that clock-skew is introduced to the write timestamps? That seems incongruent with the “perfectly synchronized clocks” phrase?

Aphyr on

I suspect that sentence was probably referring to a run with an earlier version of the code than is linked in that commit–I imagine I was likely experimenting with a bunch of variants around clocks, and back then I didn’t have robust parameterization for this kind of thing. This was… eleven years ago, so a lot was quick-and-dirty. No versions on links, and the commit history there is super sparse. :-/


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