To recap the events of the past few weeks: suffered a brief span of amnesia due to faulty ram, which has since been replaced. Everything seems to be working great now. In the meantime, I've started working at Sys/Net, which is much more fun than tech support. It's chaotic, unsupervised, and way the heck too much fun. Running around with cable testers, patching in ports and messing around with DNS is my kind of job. d=('_`)=b

To my dismay, my northbridge fan started buzzing obnoxiously just prior to shutting off completely. To prevent the premature conversion of my motherboard to slag, I've ordered a replacement cooling fan. ABIT (the manufacturer of my board) gives away free replacement parts, but doesn't have this particular one in stock. Instead, I bought a Cooler Master chipset cooler. It should arrive in a couple of days.

In other news, classes continue to be hard, life is awesome, and the weather is beautiful and sunny. Wish you were here. :-)

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