This is not at all news, but it comes up often enough that I think there should be a concise explanation of the problem. People, myself included, like to say that POSIX time, also known as Unix time, is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch, which was 1970-01-01 at 00:00:00.

This is not true. Or rather, it isn’t true in the sense most people think. For example, it is presently 2024-12-25 at 18:51:26 UTC. The POSIX time is 1735152686. It has been 1735152713 seconds since the POSIX epoch. The POSIX time number is twenty-seven seconds lower.

This is because POSIX time is derived in IEEE 1003.1 from Coordinated Universal Time. The standard assumes that every day is exactly 86,400 seconds long. Specifically:

The time() function returns the value of time in seconds since the Epoch.

Which is defined as:

seconds since the Epoch. A value to be interpreted as the number of seconds between a specified time and the Epoch. A Coordinated Universal Time name (specified in terms of seconds (tm_sec), minutes (tm_min), hours (tm_hour), days since January 1 of the year (tm_yday), and calendar year minus 1900 (tm_year)) is related to a time represented as seconds since the Epoch according to the expression below.

If year < 1970 or the value is negative, the relationship is undefined. If year ≥ 1970 and the value is non-negative, the value is related to a Coordinated Universal Time name according to the expression:

tm_sec + tm_min * 60 + tm_hour * 3600 + tm_yday * 86400 + (tm_year-70) * 31536000 + ((tm_year - 69) / 4) * 86400

The length of the day is not 86,400 seconds, and in fact changes over time. To keep UTC days from drifting too far from solar days, astronomers periodically declare a leap second in UTC. Consequently, every few years POSIX time jumps backwards, wreaking utter havoc. Someday it might jump forward.


Appendix B of IEEE 1003 has a fascinating discussion of leap seconds:

The concept of leap seconds is added for precision; at the time this standard was published, 14 leap seconds had been added since January 1, 1970. These 14 seconds are ignored to provide an easy and compatible method of computing time differences.

I, too, love to ignore things to make my life easy. The standard authors knew “seconds since the epoch” were not, in fact, seconds since the epoch. And they admit as much:

Most systems’ notion of “time” is that of a continuously-increasing value, so this value should increase even during leap seconds. However, not only do most systems not keep track of leap seconds, but most systems are probably not synchronized to any standard time reference. Therefore, it is inappropriate to require that a time represented as seconds since the Epoch precisely represent the number of seconds between the referenced time and the Epoch.

It is sufficient to require that applications be allowed to treat this time as if it represented the number of seconds between the referenced time and the Epoch. It is the responsibility of the vendor of the system, and the administrator of the system, to ensure that this value represents the number of seconds between the referenced time and the Epoch as closely as necessary for the application being run on that system….

I imagine there was some debate over this point. The appendix punts, saying that vendors and administrators must make time align “as closely as necessary”, and that “this value should increase even during leap seconds”. The latter is achievable, but the former is arguably impossible: the standard requires POSIX clocks be twenty-seven seconds off.

Consistent interpretation of seconds since the Epoch can be critical to certain types of distributed applications that rely on such timestamps to synchronize events. The accrual of leap seconds in a time standard is not predictable. The number of leap seconds since the Epoch will likely increase. The standard is more concerned about the synchronization of time between applications of astronomically short duration and the Working Group expects these concerns to become more critical in the future.

In a sense, the opposite happened. Time synchronization is always off, so systems generally function (however incorrectly) when times drift a bit. But leap seconds are rare, and the linearity evoked by the phrase “seconds since the epoch” is so deeply baked in to our intuition, that software can accrue serious, unnoticed bugs. Until a few years later, one of those tiny little leap seconds takes down a big chunk of the internet.

What To Do Instead

If you just need to compute the duration between two events on one computer, use CLOCK_MONOTONIC, or better yet, CLOCK_BOOTTIME. If you don’t need to exchange timestamps with other systems that assume POSIX time, use TAI, GPS, or maybe LORAN. If you do need rough alignment with other POSIX-timestamp systems, smear leap seconds over a longer window of time. Libraries like qntm’s t-a-i can convert back and forth between POSIX and TAI.

There’s an ongoing effort to end leap seconds, hopefully by 2035. It’ll require additional work to build conversion tables into everything that relies on the “86,400 seconds per day” assumption, but it should also make it much simpler to ask questions like “how many seconds between these two times”. At least for times after 2035!

Alex on

I hope we get to exactly 30 leap seconds before 2035. This will make conversions between UTC and TAI so much nicer.

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