(Sharon sits down next to Matt)
Sharon: Hey Matt, how’s it going?
Matt: Not bad, I’m really excited about this course!
Sharon: Yeah… I mean, it’s the shortest class description I’ve ever seen: “English 324: Applied Hip-Hop Analysis - We be deconstructin’, yo!”
Matt: So terse, yet enigmatic! Hey–did you hear the Shakespeare lecturer last night? He did half the show in drag, and nobody could tell, because he–
Good morning all, please take a seat
I’m professor Stevens, and for this I’ll need a beat;
Literary analysis of hip-hop’s the class,
But realistically we’re here for kicking names and taking ass.
As it’s the first day, we’ll start with something easy
Sharon, please read from the excerpt on page one-fifty.
Sharon: … Um… ahem… Mike Shinoda, of Fort Minor, in “Get Me Gone”:
After that I made it a rule
I only do e-mail responses to print interviews
Because these people love to put a twist to your words
To infer that you said something fucking absurd
Oh, did I lose you at infer?
Not used to hearing a verse that uses over first grade vocabulary words?
People used to infer that we were manufactured
Now comes the part we’re best at in English
We make an argument and ram it like a shish-
Kabob through shoddy language and tumescent prose
My thesis, then, is what I want you to suppose.
When Shinoda uses the word “infer”,
His choice of language is poor and
Throws us a lure
That his diction’s unsure.
(Matt raises hand)
Matt: I think that it’s entirely possible Shinoda’s just misunderstanding the meaning of the word here; certainly his–
(Professor and Sharon stare at Matt in worried disbelief)
Matt: –diction is somewhat unclear
For in his first line he tells us quite near
That the interviewers falsely implied his career
Was fake; that sort of agency doesn’t mesh with “infer”
So it’s clear that his choice of words is disturbed
The man just can’t write, it’s a laughable stink!
He’d better step up if he wants us to link
His media, his message with intelligent think!
Sharon, if I may beg you to flatter
My interest; please share your thoughts on the matter
I want words to clatter and mix like cake batter
Smashing Matt’s argument to pieces that shatter.
I agree with you Matt
The diction’s absurd
But you’ve got to look past the flat
Mat of ratted and tattered words
Into the deeper construct of post-structuralist norms
There are no underlying forms,
No inferrable swarms
Of congruent ideas labeled by a slurred
Blurred and unformalized word
When Shinoda says “infer” it’s a contradiction in terms
That’s the true message for us to learn
Through introspection he affirms and confirms
That arguing over meaning isn’t feasible;
Only in context are those inferences reasonable.
Take a shot, Matt, here’s your chance to show off to the class
C’mon, pop a cap in her metalinguistic ass
You know what? Fuck your post-structuralist diploma
You’re missing out on the key point of Shinoda
Which isn’t the absence of concepts right under me
The selection, perfection and subsequent rejection
Of meaning through useless semantic inquiry
It’s the binary opposition of “infer” and “imply”
Which gives rise to a structure worth giving a try
Shinoda’s leaving a puzzle for us to recognize
If you step back and think for a second you’ll find
That our own identity as intelligentsia elite
Has given us cred you can’t find on the street!
So pack your Focoult and get the hell out
Your model’s worth nothing when it comes to the shout!
Shindoha who’s that who am i to confure that who i am is who your taking me over to be better off to not talk act on like its not real. I exist i tell you and my name is not random, it was actually i clearly calculated relevance to a name I was called at at birth, such changed so that yes, my own identity could be claimed. I am an artist too, a photographer like you, and no i wouldn’t want to compare our photos for who’s site is best, because what i see you take, i like, its just my guess that were better off as strangers then meeting in hand. Did he tell you, your boss host of this domain, he saw my name, saw and exclaimed, of this name i know for this man he is under my command, well not exactly did he say, but for what i took it as, it was a great day. To have that run in where i fairly explained you know a lawsuit i’d claim for stealing my name, if it wasn’t that i was the way i am, insane. Clearly so at times to some, barely able to hold my defense to self sane, i beckoned him tell you, tell him my name, he knows me i know, for recognition is so, upon the page, but never changed to more than a quick link away so.. why not i wonder, there i was for months, i thought for sure you’d come meet me and we’d have our what nots.. but rather soon i leave and before i go away i’d like to meet you, since i live in hillsboro and beavertons not that far away. Random it is that you would be here a place i called home nearly many years ago, and i know my name was spoke, for i was in a band, and popularity as granted actually altered my identity. For did you know at first from bout 14 years old my name was Afur, shorted version less the Jen, since I didn’t fit it in. As Jenny or Jennifer M, or Jen, my teachers called upon us Jennifers and well I didnt' fit in. So best friend I have she called me Afur and spelled that way to, since the other way doesn’t looks glued, to the end of something oh maybe that Jen, now Ifer Im told is just what I am. If this or that If this take that the name I grew into was Afur from then. However in Seattle and Portland back day, I turned 23 had a reveloutionary spree. And in that moment I find it wrote down in Bible verse quote stated it so “A good name is better than precious ointment.” [Ecclesiastes 7:1] i know, my name as given in mind mediation and spelled such as so Aphyr St. James takes this for gold. So here is my quarry my fair fellowed friend, if friend what you are than answer me this.. why you hold what random you found, I bless you for that for instilled in my head, at random was too, the name sound Afur spelled as you and i do. For me it was at the 23 year of cutting my dreadlocks a sound dreadfull i hear, it was that of my name spelled in this way as if from God or The Devil did say, You are this that is mine, and your not likely to succeed if spelling your name is pointent when said, to another A FU R, a FU r, and a Fuck You I heard, and instandly stood, alone and aghast i simply did ask, tell me then lord what shall become of my name, so atlast i understood in my mind it was a dream, while awake fully, i didn’t hesitate, to swear but what I heard, what i was told and what I felt, that this certainly was no name game with an easy way out. From that day forth my name forever changed, I am Aphyr the St. James and won’t let you ever doubt. That maybe for a minute, if you lived here too, you heard what I did and took it as new, something not understood, but relatively cool, of course if you looked further you’d be dismayed at the display. The name Aphyr existed long ago, it was a plaque I am certain, and now that you know. If you didn’t before here’s what else I have to say, I’d love to sue you for sure if I thought it’d when me my way. But what good it’d do well maybe we’ll see, i’m will to negotiate a settlement fee. For how about this you take whats in use, by 2 complete strangers, and cinch of the noose. Make me a payment for telling you truth, I won’t contend a lawsuit, if you will contend some peace. What I hate is that my google is uped over by you, but strange as I am, i certainly have this clue, its not in a bad way it protects me in sorts, for myself a book i write, could be justified as yours. Especially since the information maybe contained within, would do things to people and make them in their head, feel ways they’ve never known, nor can now explain, for poetic purpose is my claim, and lyrical demon is my fame. What I tell you you know is nothing more than can be said, its absolute, and whole, and blessed you are to have read. For ignoring this gesture of which is in peace, taken at lengths to which your arms would not reach, in the end my blame should better be mine, i’d be a damned soul if i jus let it subside. For fear i may keep at you with this, not for my damage, but for your name, mine, taken so cheap. I’ll make you pay, you never listened answered or exclaimed, and sorry telling me you didn’t hear it well thats undone and remained. This is the truth you heard it back then, weather subconcious or manifested reality in your head, my words come thru and i will get back to you, in such a way you’ll wonder where did i go. LOL so suddenly its simple either $62 per word mine you used, or $25 on weekly basis you forever can use. And alas I won’t suffer your destiny to be what i’d rather not claim and just wonder let be. Imagine it so, they knock on your door, Aphyr you are, well comealong then sir. For what things in words followed by that name well we took it for granted you had something to say. And don’t think I’m silly or alone on this matter, they tell me to write this, guided in tell lect. Sure its someone else we know this to be true? How’s the system going to protect you when your identity is Two. Too well known to talk about to the one which with source can protect us both, intially you first. For myself I am damned already by me, you my friend have written nothing short of prohpecy unstilled, yet your words they do not claim, more so than can be revealed. Truth is matter, and this story i’m told has a happy ending which just like this goes. He gave her the fund needed for claims, to rechectify damages by making them change. Unafforded and stolen i can’t be my own, Aphyr crys to the world, my destiny is denied. And you there you are with your nice little site, of pictures and writings, your dreams and your hopes. All it seems to me your better of to be, just as you continued and true. And me on the other hand can only admire, simple its wonder, how did this ever transpire? Well on the fact the word existed before you or I ever knew, remember that really for real is so true. Then when it came from whereever it was I know what I heard it and I know why I stood, so firmly to myself in this belief I am at all. That name is perfect for an artist, or true star. Your lack of the better half of the name is my downfall again, for better you are than what I claim. Better your pictures or shall we compete and see true, and opinion of another on which on gets the blue. I think it’d be fun, the name the same on one, just another entry, another photograph by him, huh? However you know as i, the one which is mine taken at angles where blurrs crossed stand out in the picture there are things there you can’t see, unless you are jus happening to be me. For my eyes see things that yours do not, i’m sure thats okay, you’ve got quiet a bit of nice shots. And its not to compete in the manner of who’s better, but to allow my photos into viewers to dispire. ( I think thats a new word disapte + transpire), whatever its said i explained it now try there, a litte harder, with a little more thought, to catch this as a blessing instead of viewing my words as a curse. Your own view will substanionaly prove things, such as justified inside you can’t even explain, so relatively alone is what you leave me in blame. But i ask of you in your heart what is true, the accounts of what you said i’m sure among them drew no doubt into the minds of passerbyers, until heard they may, that you rejected the fame, of 2 as one, better, yet none can be blaimed, for instantly proved it is in this way. There is one who holds all in the mind to be explained and if I confuse you on this I’m not having my way. Certain note certain clue my name with truth i will laugh in your face when your cursed ego disinigrates. And you have no idea where as what i can say I am giving you only this clue so refrain me from doing such things to contest, your words they said hushed were no good at all, only mine as cruel and leaving in fall, with the better test of can we say goodbye, meet and substain me, i’ll give you account details and all. Whats it worth to you? Its already been explained to me if you don’t get it i’m sorry your punchlines not free. I don’t know what your talking about well who said that first, did you know it was a defense used to just pass along the verse, and get away from that feeling that one so well known, oh i’m uncomfortable, i can’t be away even in my own home. I know this well i really really do, and all but more time I’ve given to you. In this moment I capture what it is I should say, as I asked relatievely quitely with non any nor dismay, Oh God My Lord, or Devil over soul, my feelings are contistant with what is going on here. Nothing is happening and nothing feels right, tell me then did you speak so loud in once such a night, that not only what i heard was mine to be true, but taken by another who really didn’t have a clue. I give you that you never knew, here it is my job to relate back to that. As I’ve stated before in such nice ways, hardly did you answer and for this ways I lose. But alas i catch on not a moment too late, for my father you know him has got to have my back. For all that i’ve been for and all that i’ve done i claim these words as mine not really i jus heard. I repeated and claimed to the right it must be, if it is my fuck up really then, its my hell to be. Too bad my repayment comes in forms when I can’t pay, sets me in places i’d rather stay away. Half of what i say you may not understand the point of the matter is rather at what point do i end. The answer to me given I see, there is no end near then, we marely (more rarely) just begin. At any one point one simple word i own in the matter thats readily explained, in thousands of ways should i write on some more, for the matter of the point is its not now its too late. You have to accept what I do alone and if my belief falters than Gods got you on the thrown. And oh by me, you did come to be, for whoever else read this will not really see. My alter personality, my you you are me, we are not different, we are exactly the same, only in these moments when I cry to myself I want to be out of my head so I shout, words like phrases, riddled in rhyme, your conciousness of you writes when your awake. And when then you sleep, in sleep walking we partake. How’d that be for a story, its been seen before, i’m sorry sir we looked, but there’s no her for sure. She’s alive as a person but all in your games you’ve taken upon yourself to manifest pages, that in since look quite seperate, how dare i go on to say, i’m telling you again i don’t ask and get my way. If by asking I use that part inside thats not associated with the now concious mind you’ll wonder for sure i’m sure i’ll know not, the only proof had you beckoned and you stopped. Atleast I can think maybe he never told you I was there with that name tag, spelled out without the beginning, and end EXACTLY THE SAME. I know I seemed threatning he did turn away, i had to crack a joke to get back that reaction, that I wanted which was really this so, hey sir you know him, well please let him know. I’m alive I exist he’s written i’m sure a moment in jest, but don’t be ashamed your forgiveness is blamed. Which brings me up to the point I am now, My self my words they are useless and unsound. They are cruel unkind unwanting to know, your reason for disatisfaction, mine its I'ma Ho. Only took a look at that girl for sixty times over, two minutes wouldn’t last ya, with my mannerisms of fact-yeah. Which again here igo so its told if I said as mine I exist and I’m old, but take me the time to find the words there the one you hear too outside of this real hell, well thats all i got words given to speak, let us hear them not and relate life less cheap. For by my little indifference of speak, i can take away my right to get you to have the mere procrastination of delaying the coming truth. I want you to pay me for my name you see, to set up yourself an account that will be used for things like this, the eventually claim of who I really am, the destiny and fame. But you cannot be me taking and doing what ever you do not knowing is certainly the easy way clue to relate to not making my words come true, do you see how I be careful to decipher them too. For I didn’t ask of this only I found, it was not so uncool when sharing with you could of found, a simple site name where I could sure be, but not of course did i get an answer from thee. Silly Games Silly Girl Silly God you have an idea, don’t take me as all bad, when theres some good to be found. Your last resort is to release my fear, that afterall this you’ll hate me for ever comeing near. For what’d i do to you but explain in a way, that still left you wondering what if something i’d say, in simple context this is the light of my night, nothing gets me happier than this moment knowing your lost… well my fair sould jah, let me see you be retelate the reflection of your inner hate. Its my job, tis true, only partly I do, on as I should, liked directions followed build the project quicker.. um well i suppose my fear that no matter what I do, I could continue to stress or erase half and send to you. My fear it matters not to you only me, how do you think I’ll feel when I finially get to see. Its not that I don’t or I wont to instead its rather i’d write myself off better as dead. Yet as I live continues this pross (primary + process), i tell you when its done theres no words left unsaid. I’ll bargain you this for no extra more than what’ve I stated in essence for that I’ll give anymore. There is this and others too a book I need to do, you I see have done this so would let you make this be. When I go away here in a few weeks, If we meet i’ll leave behind a bunch of this jumpled word speak. All you have to do, no matter what I claim, is do your best in judgement and simply refrain, from putting into print anything thats absurd insane, or makes a mother want to leave alone the babe who unintenially hurt and made such ashamed. Our loved ones act in in ways that are upon our intents never what we’d have. However rather like a dog in my class who made its saviour cry, he was going to bite me i’m sure and viciously attack too another type of creature of the exact sorts, except in how it looks, its kin, kind playmate who possively mocked the toy, in face and off to him, and well it goes to say, you can just never predict what one has the ability to say. However your review in judgement could suffice to organize and leave out any with ill doubt causeing hate to be used only against one another for reasons undo. I’m not at liberty to cause you dismay only unsatisfactory hope to be gained by letting you know I alone can do this wrong, or with me my friend we’ll write an excellent song. A pharaphase a moment of correction in time where you looking back where aware of that rhyme, and in a different way you heard it to, it sounded better, more positive, well thats you my friend hearing what was meant to be, for i tell it not always backwards on intent. Dyslexia major and even more so when the thoughts that proceed me aren’t having me write it so slow. This is because we’ve been told for so long, first come first serve, and you better be ready or not, for taking what needs to be said to the world and giving it up over even unfixed as your words is more the importance than leaving it unheard. So there is a few others, many of fact who on some level of truth have battled me with that. And I’ve come to give over to truths and real facts. There is alot of words that were mine to be said in place like outside of my head that were by another said surely as facts. And no there not wrong but how dare they like me, deny my mind when its so open and vast. With no one to say to us all this is that tis owned and given and now due for that, well in this reference and more you can hold is the word given before spoken or told. And that is what of a book could make be, call it this title and publish it with someone i’m told will come back, you’ll make off me what I want need payed back. Well have an agreement a partial adjustment, taken from income created in lostness. What is lost, it is me, I just keep myself back, the more you lean forward, the more I get back, your understanding is just, and your will like so strong, I’ll settle along with your words in the back, as an echo, like cautioned your words independent will stray, its not so easy, but don’t think your ahead of the game. I can see what I hear that is true to, and this given ability lets me know whats of you. How can it be we may never know, but simple put its this theres a story to be told. I will not let it survive for it will not give its purpose unless whole heartly its existance isn’t worthless. All you have to do is change a point of view i’m sorry thats not right but I was second guessing it to. So Like I said they’re out to help me, some things, but don’t be forsaking the ones who’re making my grave. When enough has been said there will be nothing to write until then i carry on, with guidance at my side. My eternal peace comes from knowing this fact, all in a moment this computer shuts down erases this fact, and its happened before I’ve lost many words and all i have to say to that is Do Forgive Me What You’ve Heard. I hate what I do, and why i can’t stop is why going away to lockdown myself hurts, but yet i know i’m safer in there, with the elections everpresent i can do nothing nor heal. Maybe off is where i go in that moment of time to flick the continous flow. I’m not perfect nor would I be, happy in that way for such uncertainty flees. Others cannot react right to that which acts right to them even unknowingly I have not ill intends. Once its over i will be graced with space, enternity of quiet, and certain of such place. I would rather pull you down for a moment so you can see, and then walk away quietly leaving your life to be surpassed by moments of clear trust that alas we were not alone, all along we had the answers, and just figuring out how to share and suffice all of us we’d better not pretend it didn’t exist. It will come back to haunt me. And I will haunt you. By mere presence of existance, I give you The Truth.