Everything Tagged "Galera"

(In reverse chronological order)

Jepsen: Percona XtraDB Cluster

Percona’s CTO Vadim Tkachenko wrote a response to my Galera Snapshot Isolation post last week. I think Tkachenko may have misunderstood some of my results, and I’d like to clear those up now. I’ve ported the MariaDB tests to Percona XtraDB Cluster, and would like to confirm that using exclusive write locks on all reads, as Tkachenko recommends, can recover serializable histories. Finally, we’ll address Percona’s documentation.

I didn’t use the default isolation levels

Jepsen: MariaDB Galera Cluster

Previously, on Jepsen, we saw Chronos fail to run jobs after a network partition. In this post, we’ll see MariaDB Galera Cluster allow transactions to read partially committed state.

Galera Cluster extends MySQL (and MySQL’s fork, MariaDB) to clusters of machines, all of which support reads and writes. It uses a group communication system to broadcast writesets and certify each for use. Unlike most Postgres replication systems, it handles the failure and recovery of all nodes automatically, and unlike MySQL Cluster, it has only one (as opposed to three) types of node. The MariaDB Galera packages are particularly easy to install and configure.