Everything Tagged "Droid"

(In reverse chronological order)

Droid Power Failure

Last night I left my Droid sitting on my desk, at about 80% charge. An hour later I picked it up and it wouldn’t turn on. No response to pressing or holding the power button, and even replacing the battery didn’t get it to turn on. I figured the battery was drained and plugged it in this morning–whereupon it booted up and showed 75% charged!

The Verizon store was disappointing. They told me I had installed too many apps and should run advanced task killer frequently. Really, guys? You think I ran out of battery and recharged to 70% in a matter of seconds this morning? No suggestions as to how to hard-reset the device. They also disavowed the autofocus bug… which neatly explains why the camera focuses in under two minutes as of this morning. I guess I should have expected the runaround to begin with.