I’ve seen a lot of misunderstood physics out there, but watching Andy Schafly try to insist general relativity is wrong and useless has got to take the cake. Kate Sorenson tries patiently to correct the GR article’s mistakes, but is eventually banned for her troubles. Andy finishes with this amazing quote:

One way to evaluate religions, or quasi-religions, is to look at the fruit it bears. What has it helped achieved? In the case of relativity, it has produced nothing. Nil. Zippo. After nearly 100 years and a ton of money. If you find the math in relativity fun, great, but relativity is not going to help anyone. It never has. Pick up a Bible in between some equations.

Andy Schlafly 18:31, 15 November 2009 (EST)

I guess Andy doesn’t believe in GPS, which relies completely on GR-derived time synchronization for accurate results. Way to go, Conservapedia. Totally in touch with reality, there.

duretti on

His mother is just as crazy. She was actually given an honorary doctorate at my university the year I graduated (what the what?). A number of the undergrads stood up and showed their backs to her as she got hooded. Several of them wore white bands, though I can’t remember why.

Long story short, the Schafly family is straight up nutters.

Except for the folks that make that there tasty microbrew. I’m okay with them.

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